Our Services ServicesServices

We are a newly established futuristic IT company striving to bring a highly customisable, human-driven, and technology-based learner-centric platform to the Zambian populace. The holistic integrated learning platform will provide academia, enterprises, and individuals with the following services:

Our Vision VisionVision

Our company vision is to create a connected society benefiting from unique competitive advantages enabled by an accelerated adaptation of integrated, flexible, and reliable digital infrastructure, the right talents and skills, data, customer experience and workflows.

Fully Responsive Layout

Highly responsive design and structure that comes in handy when dealing with traffic. Theme is mobile friendly.

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Customer Support

We provide the most responsive and functional IT design for companies and businesses worldwide.

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Google Map

Google map features ready in premium version on the contact page. Show your business location on contact page.

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Editable Post Slug

Want to make SEO friendly URL"s in your website? Slug rewrites features is present in Avril.

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Left & Right Sidebars

Already developed pages for page left & right sidebar for display your page with sidebar widget.

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Copyright Removal

footer editor option you can change the footer copyright information with your footer info.

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Select Your Style

Header Style

Pre Define Colors

Custom Colors
